• Beeswax Candles

    Beeswax Candle

    I’ve always wanted to try my hand at making candles, so when my friend Rebekah pointed out that beeswax candles aid in cleaning the air, I became slightly obsessed. After all, cleaning and I go hand in hand now. The vintage Jell-O molds I thrifted made the perfect candle container. To save money, I thought […]

  • Life
  • Cleaning Frenzy

    Cleaning Frenzy

    As a kid, I always thought dust bunnies and dust mites were the same; a harmless bundle of dust that collected under furniture. I recently just discovered that dust mites were not dust bunnies and they are not, in fact, necessarily harmless or lifeless. Seriously, I had no idea dust mites were actual real life living creatures. As you […]

  • Life
  • Full Term


    Tomorrow I will be considered “full term” in my pregnancy, which means this baby boy can make his appearance safely at any time. Eliana was born on her due date and Isabelle came one week prior. I’m anticipating this baby to come earlier than 40 weeks but don’t mind if that turns out to be […]

  • Food
  • Birthday Cake

    Birthday Cake

    When a birthday arrives in our home, I like to make it a point to bake the special person a birthday cake. Being the only baker in the household, it’s a no-brainer that I bake myself a cake when my own birthday comes along. I did this for the first time last year and continued […]